04 Jul Top 10 Golden Rules of Blogging
Top 10 Golden Rules of Blogging
Does your business have a blog but you are looking to improve and generate more leads? Your business doesn’t have a blog but you are looking to start one to reap the many benefits of blogging? Read our top 10 golden rules of blogging to learn how to enhance your blog posts for more leads and more sales.
1. Post Regular Content
You will not only want to provide your followers with a consistent frequency of posts that they will come to expect and look out for but you will need to regularly publish posts to satisfy Google. So what is the best frequency I hear you say? If you have relevant, useful and interesting content the more the better! You do not want to sacrifice quality for quantity so find a frequency that’s works for your business and its resources and stick to it to provide consistency to your followers.
Some companies post as often as a few times a day but this takes a lot of resources, we would recommend you publish a blog post once a month at a minimum. If you do not have time to publish at least once a month then we recommend you do not have one at all or if you would like to reap the many benefits of blogging then hire experts like us to research, write and publish posts on your site.
2. Stay Focused and On Point
You need to publish content that is relevant to your company and industry, that is also interesting and useful to your followers. So make sure you are following industry trends and the latest news.
To stand out from your competitors you should be writing in-depth insight on your chosen topic, not ramblings about something that is uninteresting or isn’t going to capture the attention of your audience. If you don’t stick to this rule you will end up losing followers. Give your followers authoritative content they want to read and helps them and they will stay and you will also grow your audience. Also you should remember to not be too sales orientated.
3. Speak The Language of Your Audience
Research your audience and find out what they are interested in and provide it in a language that they can understand. Don’t bombard them with technical jargon if that’s not what they are looking for or are going to understand.
4. Check Grammar and Spelling
Nothing says unprofessional more than incorrect grammar and spelling. WordPress and Microsoft Word, among others, provide spelling and grammar checking so there is no excuse in correcting it even for those whose English is not one of their strong points.
5. Be Yourself
If you have one person writing your blog posts then they will have their own personality and writing style which you should let shine through in their blog posts. Your audience is going to like and appreciate a writing style that is unique and that will set you apart from your competitors. Blog posts with a humorous tone get large audiences, this style of writing may or not suit your business.
It can be a tricky style to get right if it doesn’t come naturally to you so don’t attempt to write in a style that doesn’t come naturally. If you are a medium to large corporation or organisation then you may have more than one blog writer, which is beneficial for SEO. If this is the case then your company or organisation should have documentation on the style of language to be used and that the blog writers should follow.
6. Respond To Your Audience
There is nothing worse than a business not responding to relevant questions left by a genuine consumer. It shows a complete lack of customer service if a consumer asks a question on a blog and doesn’t receive a reply. Reply to relevant comments on your blog to engage with your audience for increased lead generation. Set up your blog to filter out spam comments and only publish comments that are relevant.
7. Be Part of The Community
Remember that as a blog owner you are part of a community that can reap rewards if you partake in it. Research your competitors as you can draw knowledge from them. Research other relevant industry blogs and collaborate with them through referrals and link building to boost your SEO efforts and build a bigger audience.
8. Promote Your Blog
If you are writing useful, relevant and interesting blogs but you aren’t getting any engagement or leads then you need to promote your blog more. In your email marketing tell you list about your latest blog posts. Share on your social media accounts, you can do this effortlessly with plugins such as NextScripts on WordPress. Send an outreach email to the company of a product or service you have blogged about.
Mention an industry leader and let them know, you will then be in a better position to collaborate with them in the future. Submit your posts to a content community. Make sure you have social share buttons on your posts.
9. Optimise Your Blog Posts
Optimise for search engines with relevant keywords in the title, headings, alt tags on images and in the content. There are many useful tools for achieving this, we recommend Google Keyword Planner and the Yoast SEO plugin for WordPress sites. However don’t cram in lots of keywords and over optimise, it’s just as important to optimise for sharing, balance is key.
10. Check The Layout of Your Post
You should include some relevant images in your blog post to break up large amounts of text and make your post look more appealing to grab the attention of your audience. Check the post has the same formatting throughout, otherwise it will look inconsistent and unprofessional. Space between paragraphs and in margins can increase reader comprehension by up to 20%.
If you found our article on the top 10 golden rules of blogging useful and would like to learn more about how blogging can enhance your business, contact us for more information.
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